About Premier Fundraising

Our passion is fundraising.

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Rockyford Lions Charity Auction




Premier Fundraising ocuses on online funrdaising services for non-profit and charity groups. We currently specialize in Timed Online Auctions. When in-person events return we'll be able to provide a larger set of services, such as Benefit Auctioneering, Master of Ceremonies, Live Auction Support Services, and Professional Bid Spotting. Click each service below for more information.

We provide Timed Online Auction services for our clients through our partner organization, Premier Auctions. To learn more about Premier Auctions, click here.

We are currently developing our Online 50/50 solution. Check back for updates.

We are currently developing our Online Direct Donation solution. Check back for updates.

Even though you might be having an auction, it doesn't necessarily mean that just ANY auctioneer can come in a do the job for your fundraising event. To put it another way, if your child is sick, you want a pediatrician to see them, not a pediatrist (foot doctor)...even though they are both doctors.

Each discipline of auctioneering requires a different chant. For example, cattle auctioneers are very fast and rhythmic, however someone with little or no auction experience (much like your event supporters) might struggle to understand their chant. Similarly, wholesale automotive auctioneers are expected to sell cars every 45 seconds! At your event, you probably don't want your items to be sold so quickly and if they are being sold that fast, then you're probably leaving a lot of profit on the table.

What you are going to need at a benefit auction is an auctioneer that is clearly understood by everyone in the room. If your supporters cannot understand what the auctioneer is saying, then there is a pretty good chance they will NOT bid, even on an item they are interested in, for fear of making a mistake and either looking badly or spending more than they can afford on that item.

You also want an auctioneer that is professional and understands what you are trying to accomplish with your event. Some auctioneers will make it all about themselves, or worse maybe even alienate some of your audience with inappropriate jokes or comments. You are going to need someone who can read the crowd and walk the fine line between entertaining your supporters while also never crossing the line and making them feel uncomfortable or unwelcome.

Finally, when you hire a professional fundraising auctioneer, you are hiring someone who has experience in extracting the absolute most from the room. They are experts in things like ‘cash appeals’ or ‘double-ups’. They will know when to use a ‘wild card’ auction or one of any number of other fundraising ideas that traditional auctioneers simply do not know and therefore cannot do to raise even more for your event.

“But they’ll do it for free!” We hear this all the time. Our response is usually two-fold: 1) Can they tell you what any of the above fundraising ideas are? Because if they can’t, what might that COST then, to have them conduct your auction? Are you really saving any money if they produce 30-50% less than a professional auctioneer? And 2) typically, you get what you pay for.

At Premier Fundraising, we work with the absolute best auctioneers in the business for fundraising understanding, clarity and professionalism. For more information on how we might be able to help your event achieve new heights, call or text Cody Hayes @ 403-669-1109 to set up a FREE, no obligation consultation. To send us an email click here. We would love to have the opportunity to work with you for your next event!

We believe the emcee (Master of Ceremonies) is one of the most important roles on event night. This person is often the first voice your supporters hear and they become the phyical embodiment of your organization.

The emcee gets the opportunity to set mood, tone, and even energy of the whole evening and is not a role that should be given to just anyone. You want someone who will guide your audience through the ups and downs of the evening and who will truly connect with the emotional response your supporters have to the cause you are raising funds for.

We at Premier Fundraising only work with the best emcee's in the business; people who have emcee'd hundreds of events before and will undoubtedly be the best option for you and your event.

For more information on how we might be able to help your event achieve new heights, call or text Cody Hayes @ 403-669-1109 to set up a FREE, no obligation consultation. To send us an email click here. We would love to have the opportunity to work with you for your next event!

It is often said that a fundraising event is like operating a business all year round, but you are only open for one day to generate your entire, annual revenue. No pressure!

By having done hundreds of fundraising events, one of the things that has become abundantly clear is that if the charity or fundraising entity treats this event as though they were running a 'for-profit' business, they will achieve higher results EVERY TIME than those organizations that do not. Why is this important?

Organizations that treat their event like a business will get the best sound systems, the best auctioneers and bid spotters, the best emcee's and the best catering. They will understand that your supporters comfort and entertainment need to be of paramount importance if you want to obtain record support.

When you hire Premier Fundraising, you don't just get world-class auctioneering, bid spotting, or emcee services. You also get access to all of our past experience at no additional cost!

We will provide expert advice on venue selection, sound systems, agenda optimization, silent auctions, live auctions, raffles, cash appeals, and all other facets of the event you are creating. And we will do this at no additional cost!

You can use us as much or as little as you need because when you hire Premier Fundraising for your events, we become partners that share a single, unified desire to see your event achieve record results!

For more information on our auction support services, call or text Cody Hayes @ 403-669-1109 to set up a FREE, no obligation consultation. To send us an email click here. We would love to have the opportunity to work with you for your next event!

This is another common oversight from organizations who do not treat their event as a business and instead try and get by with as little as possible.

"We can just have some of our committee members stand in as bid spotters." This is what we sometimes hear with new fundraising events, thinking that this is an area where they can trim an expense towards the event. You couldn't be further from the truth.

A professional bid spotter should be viewed as an investment because while they do 'cost' money to bring in, if you watch them carefully, they will most likely pay for their wage after the very first item that is sold! For example, if your first item of the live auction was expected to sell for $1000, but due to the hard work of the bid spotter, it sells for $1500 or $2000, that is an instant return on your investment!

Can a bid spotter have that much impact on the sale?

Absolutely! A professional bid spotter is someone who easily and quickly engages with the crowd. Before the event, you will oftentimes find them mingling with the crowd and establishing relationships with your supporters. When it comes time for the auction, they most likely have already 'warmed' up to the audience which makes it easier to ask for another bid later on.

Professional bid spotters are experts at getting people to 'bid again' and to blow past their previously set budgets. The best bid spotters do this in a way that makes people feel comfortable and yet laugh at the same time. They are also like mobile auctioneers on the floor, assisting the audience by answering questions about what lot number we are on and what the current asking price is.

The best are also entertainers as well. Some run from table to table, others yell in humerous ways. The bottom line is that they assist with keeping your supporters attention which often is the difference in attaining record results during the auction.

Finally, professional bid spotters provide significant support to the event committee as well as they can provide selling price and buyer information to your 'clerks' (people who record the results of the auction item) without disrupting the auctioneer and the flow of the evening. This makes the auction go quicker and night to stay on-time for the program.

At Premier Fundraising, we only work with the absolute best bid spotters and would love to share their expertise and entertainment at your next event! If you would like to find out more about our professional bid spotter, call or text Cody Hayes @ 403-669-1109 to set up a FREE, no obligation consultation. To send us an email click here. We would love to have the opportunity to work with you for your next event!

Past Events

Featured Past Timed Online Charity Auction

Strathmore Lions Charity Auction

Partner App

iPhone App

Bidding in our fundraising auctions is easier than ever thanks to our partner, Premier Auctions and their mobile app!

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